Monday, October 19, 2009

Hash 468, lost in Huachipa

Just when I thought things could get no how many times am I going to say that!

Pushy Cat gets all the blame/credit on this one. As I said on that night, this hash is perhaps the best hash I have EVER attended for the following reasons: barking/attacking dogs, dust, HUGE vehicles, dead dogs, human feces, dried urine, lost virgins, injured hash flashes, lost hashers! Really, this one was too good to be true.

PushyCat had us meet in some industrial wasteland of Lima, full of 1000 yr old dust that puffed up when you trod on it. The run started badly enough, dodging large cement trucks and lorries with bricks. When I ran over the dead dog's head, severed so cleanly, I knew this would be a long run. I often thought of that dead dog as I ran with stone in hand armed against the many attacking dogs on the run. But, there was a beer stop! Oh, and 1000 year old ruins that we could run through--cool! (don't worry, we minded the old dudes)

At some point, about 13.5 km or 2 hours later, we stumbled back into the recreo where all of this had begun. Perhaps it was the weariness, but little did we notice that one hasher had not yet returned! What we did notice is that our affable hash flash Jair had returned after running into a BARB WIRE FENCE. WITH HIS MOUTH. (All caps added for extra significance, DUH).

With two hashmasters barking loudly in Spanish and English, events got underway. After the traditional ranking of the hash (generous...) we welcomed the two French hashers that we did try to loose. Really, ask them. We then commemorated the Battle of Angamos by having a Peruvian, Bolivian, and Brit drink. Hash Flash Jair was properly named Virgin Lips for having such a bloodly pair (and not even on his first run!) We marked a couple of birthdays and then it was off to dinner.

Oh, the forgotten hasher!

Good ole Marisol. She remembered the guy that we lost. Off to a taxi while I chuckled and got a beer. Thankfully, he showed up and with beer on his breath, was properly named Cums Late.

on on.

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