Friday, November 13, 2009

Hash #471 (?)

Fraterno (a)...... De pronto te sientes cansado, agotado,....? O tal vez en la necesidad de re.energizarte para disfrutar mejor la vida loca...? . De ser así, hemos escogido un lugar propio para la ocasión para nuestro siguiente hash. Un lugar en medio de pintorescas lomas, chacras río, valle , mar y vistas tipo postal, que servirán de fondo para celebrar el re.encuentro con tu energía, contigo mismo y con tus amigos. Contamos con tu presencia para compartir una grata tarde y con mucha alegría.

FECHA - Sábado Noviembre 14, 2009


LUGAR - " La Huaca " Centro turístico ( Mala ) .

DIRECCIÓN -Tomar carretera Panamericana Sur hasta llegar al Kilómetro # 85. 5 Tomar salida " Mala/ Totorita", pasar por debajo de la Panamericana y seguir rumbo a Mala. Aproximadamente tres kilómetros sobre la carretera a Mala encontraras sobre la vereda derecha el letrero del centro turístico " La Huaca" El teléfono del restaurante es el 999019440 ( Sra. Julia ).

TRANSPORTE- Se a coordinado la disponibilidad de un coaster con capacidad de 26 personas. El coaster saldrá a las 12:45 PM de la calle Morelli con Lazarte - San Borja ( cerca de Plaza VEA). El costo de transporte por persona ( adulto o menor) ida y vuelta será de S/.15 Soles los cuales serán cobrados por el chofer antes de partir. Favor de llamar a Gaston para la reserva de espacios.

QUE TRAER - Repelente de mosquitos, Protector solar, gorra o vicera y infusiones de mucha alegría.

MENORES - S/ 15. Soles
DULTOS - S/ 20. Soles

Caty Seminario - 999337270
Betty Febres - 998289225
Gastón Arrieta -


Suddenly you feel tired ..? In need of re.energize yourself to cope with life in the fast lane..? . If so, we have selected a place ( proper for the occasion) for our next hash. A place with hills, river, valley , ocean and great views . We are counting with your presence to share a joyful moment filled with positive energy .

DATE : November 14th 2009
30 Hrs.
La Huaca " Centro turistico ( Mala ) . .

DIRECTION: From Lima take Pan-American Sur up to Km # 85. 5 Exit at " Mala/ Totorita " sign. Go under the Pan-American h ' way and continue for about two miles. On the right side you will see the entry sign for " La Huaca- Centro Turistico " If needed , the restaurant cell phone number is 9990199440 . (the manager ' s name is Mrs. Julia ) .

TRANSPORTATION - We have arranged transportation via a mini bus for up to 26 people that will depart 12:45 PM from calle Morelli and Lazarte ( San Borja - close to Plaza VEA). The fare per person, round trip is S/. 15 which will be collected by the bus driver prior to departure. Please call Gaston to reserve space.

WHAT TO BRING - Mosquito repellent, Sun protection,hat, and infusion for happiness.


ADULTS - S/ 20. Soles
S/ 15. Soles

Caty Seminario
- 999337270
Betty Febres - 998289225
Gastón Arrieta -

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HHHash of HHHorrors

Since I am probably the only person reading this, I can most likely say what I want. The intrepid readers out there, if there are any, will note the irony.

HHHalloween hhhapened. For some reason, I figured that since our start time was moved back 2 hours, we might leave closer to the announced time, but alas, we again left 1.5 hours late. I guess that should not be a big deal, and it isn't, except that the walk was 2+ hours and the run 15 km (seriously). There were about 50 of us, 45 walkers and 5 crazy runners. The walkers, perhaps appropriately, just gave up on their sojourn after the beer stop and 2 hours into the hash, and made a shortcut en masse to the hash house. With the great collection of costumes, we had plenty of looks from passing cars and people.

We welcomed several newcummers, all Peruvian apart from a lone USAID employee. Circle festivities got swinging with a guest appearance from the Village People as we had two American Indians (note the PC), a construction worker, and a cowboy. They gave a hashy rendition to YMCA and then had their down-down. Next up was a couple of pisco lovers who crushed the cleverly costumed grape lady, I saw the hands going for the balloons and then heard the shout, "those ARE NOT my balloons!" Next were a couple of singers in honor of Dia de la cancion criolla (look it up). That ended the circle.

Inside, we were treated (and tricked?) into a great buffet dinner and even prizes! One of the tables suspiciously took most of the awards...and prizes concluded with a judging of the best costumes. It was really a great bit of organizing by the hares, and I mean that.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Hash #470!

Lima Hash House Harriers 3.jpgHash #470
Halloween Hash
A New Adventure

Put that costume on and get ready to run over parks, bridges, business centers, tunnels, streets, and other urban areas.

This will be one to remember!

Prizes for best costume! Buffet dinner! Parade of costumes!

Adults: S/. 20, children S/. 15.
No idea on the cost for adults who act like children.

When? October 31, stupid.
Chifa Hon Fok
Av. San Borja Sur 1002, San Borja

Cumming from San Isisdro, from Av.San Borja Sur, cross Av San Luis. Follow on one block, and on the right hand corner you will see the chifa.

Cum with lots of animation!

Contact the following when you get lost:





ON ON ¡!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lima Hash Songbook

Lima Hash Songbook

The Down Down song:

Here's to ______
He's true blue
He's a bastard through and through
He's a pisspot so they say,
he'll never get to heaven
gotta go the other way

Drink it down, down, down down  (continues)

Why are we waiting, whyyyy are we waiting?

Swing Low:

Swing low, sweet chariot
Cumming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Cumming for to carry me home

I looked over the Jordan
and what did I see
cumming for to carry me home
a band of angles
cumming after me
cumming for to carry me home


If you get there
before I do
cumming for to carry me home
tell all other souls
I'm cumming to
cumming for to carry me home

Why was he born so beautiful?

Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He's no bloody use to anyone
He's no bloody use at all

Drink it down down down down

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hash 469, the Chinese affair

Manolo and company hared the monumental 4SIXTYNINE hash. Make no mistake, the power of the hare is strong in Lima. Manolo conjured up very rarely seen rain on the start of this run. The group, about 40, reluctantly began the hash about an hour-and-a-half late (or early??) and we proceeded to run through, around, above, and even below the Chinese Peruvian cultural center.

Marking the trail has really become a thing best read by some French cave dwelling anthropologist. Some arrows went up, some down, and some in reverse. Nevertheless, we found our beerstop situated between seven ragged downtrodden dogs and 12 chickens that were picking their own feathers out so that our dinner would not take so long.

Back at the center, we welcomed three newcummers: 2 ladies and a germ. The run and walk both received generous ratings of 9. Hashmaster got things going by having the two ladies dressed in purple have down-downs for their participation in the Senor de los Milagros events in Lima. For good measure, we made this gender unbiased and Chino stepped in, donning a Dona Pepa gown.

Things got hot (? really?) when the hashmaster offered up a shirt to anyone who could sing a song. There being no takers, Fresco (so names cause he ate a kilo of cheese on the trail) walked in and with all shame, left the circle to change. As SpermBank of Mauto H3 would say, "he must work out..."

Next hash is a biggie: halloween. Surely, the hashes of the world are planning big stuff. Our hash will be in San Borja, starting at 4:00 pm. Be on time, and come in costume. There are prizes for best costume, a chifa buffet dinner, and HOT HOT Latin dancing. This reviewer cannot hold back his new hash shoes to get there.

Hash 468, lost in Huachipa

Just when I thought things could get no how many times am I going to say that!

Pushy Cat gets all the blame/credit on this one. As I said on that night, this hash is perhaps the best hash I have EVER attended for the following reasons: barking/attacking dogs, dust, HUGE vehicles, dead dogs, human feces, dried urine, lost virgins, injured hash flashes, lost hashers! Really, this one was too good to be true.

PushyCat had us meet in some industrial wasteland of Lima, full of 1000 yr old dust that puffed up when you trod on it. The run started badly enough, dodging large cement trucks and lorries with bricks. When I ran over the dead dog's head, severed so cleanly, I knew this would be a long run. I often thought of that dead dog as I ran with stone in hand armed against the many attacking dogs on the run. But, there was a beer stop! Oh, and 1000 year old ruins that we could run through--cool! (don't worry, we minded the old dudes)

At some point, about 13.5 km or 2 hours later, we stumbled back into the recreo where all of this had begun. Perhaps it was the weariness, but little did we notice that one hasher had not yet returned! What we did notice is that our affable hash flash Jair had returned after running into a BARB WIRE FENCE. WITH HIS MOUTH. (All caps added for extra significance, DUH).

With two hashmasters barking loudly in Spanish and English, events got underway. After the traditional ranking of the hash (generous...) we welcomed the two French hashers that we did try to loose. Really, ask them. We then commemorated the Battle of Angamos by having a Peruvian, Bolivian, and Brit drink. Hash Flash Jair was properly named Virgin Lips for having such a bloodly pair (and not even on his first run!) We marked a couple of birthdays and then it was off to dinner.

Oh, the forgotten hasher!

Good ole Marisol. She remembered the guy that we lost. Off to a taxi while I chuckled and got a beer. Thankfully, he showed up and with beer on his breath, was properly named Cums Late.

on on.